
Studying made easy

Why was quizzy made?
Quizzy was made to operate as a replacement to already existing flashcard apps. Its purpose is to be a flashcard app that is more customizable and has more features for free, rather than charging money for features that should be free.

Does this do everything that Quizlet can do?
Quizzy has all of the studying features (Match coming soon) in Quizlet, including the paid ones.

How can I move my Quizlets into quizzy?
You can easily import Quizlets by selecting the "import from Quizlet" option when creating a new cardset.

Is it really free without ads?
Yes, Quizzy is completely free without ads.

Contact Info
Quizzy is made by Laiq Sorrell (sorrell.laiq@gmail.com).
Feel free to contact me about any questions or inquiries.